David Lieb

David Lieb

David Lieb
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David Lieb is a Group Partner at YC. He was previously the co-founder and CEO of Bump (S09), a mobile app used by more than 150M people to share photos and contact info by bumping their phones together. Bump was acquired by Google in 2013, and an unreleased photo-sharing app they were building became the foundation of Google Photos. Before Bump, Dave was a researcher in the Stanford AI Lab and a software engineer at Texas Instruments. He holds EE/CS degrees from Princeton and Stanford and finished half an MBA at Chicago Booth before dropping out to start Bump.

YC stats

  • Dave has done more than 500 office hours with YC companies over the course of three batches at YC.
  • The companies he's worked with at YC, along with the YC companies he invested in as an angel investor, are worth more than $10B combined.
  • He's advised top YC alumni including:
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On starting and scaling one of the biggest iOS apps
On starting and scaling one of the biggest iOS apps
Over 1 year ago