by Stephanie Simon1/12/2022
The Winter 2022 batch is underway, and we’re excited to announce that we’re now accepting applications for Summer 2022. The summer batch will be remote with some optional in-person components depending on the pandemic. We will invest a total of $500,000 in every company accepted into the batch as part of our new standard deal.
We will be offering an early deadline again this batch for founders who need early access to YC advice and resources. The early deadline is January 31 at 8pm PT, and we will be holding interviews in mid-February and early March. The founders who tend to get the most out of the early deadline are those who are actively fundraising; they benefit from advice on terms, investors, and timing before signing anything.
If you’re not sure whether you should apply early, you’re probably better off waiting until the regular deadline: March 24 at 8pm PT.
Whether you apply by our early deadline or our regular deadline, the latest you’ll hear back from us with a decision is May 19. The reason this is a ways away is because we know how much can change in a matter of months, and we want to give founders the option to update their applications. But if there are timing considerations we should be aware of, please make a note on your application. We’re happy to give you an answer sooner if you need it.
Apply early for the YC Summer 2022 batch here.
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Stephanie Simon is the Head of Admissions at Y Combinator. Prior to YC, she was a software engineer at Earnest and co-founded Murmur, a venture-backed local search startup.