by Surbhi Sarna9/14/2022
We’re excited to announce the first YC Health and Bio Summit that will take place in San Francisco on October 21, 2022.
The half day conference will feature bio and healthcare founders and investors who will tell their stories and share advice for entrepreneurs who are just getting started.
Speakers include:
Vineeta Agarwala, General Partner, a16z
Ivana Djuretic, Co-founder and CSO, Asher Bio
Rachel Rea, Sr. Director, Medtronic
Cami Samuels, Partner, Venrock
Tanay Tandon, Co-founder and CEO of Athelas
Sid Viswanathan, Co-founder and CEO, TruePill
and more to be announced
When people think of Y Combinator, what often comes to mind first are the software companies that got their start with YC – companies like Airbnb, DoorDash and Stripe. But within the last 5 years, YC has funded over 500 healthcare and bio startups, 9 of which are now billion dollar companies. We’ve quietly become the largest seed stage funder of bio startups in the world. We're looking forward to sharing what we’ve learned from funding hundreds of founders and working alongside them as their companies have grown.
If you’re in the early stages of starting a bio startup or are considering starting one, we hope you join us. Sign up to attend here.
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Surbhi is a group partner at Y Combinator. Prior to YC, Surbhi was CEO of nVision Medical, which was acquired by Boston Scientific.