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Adagy Robotics

Rescuing robots

Adagy is a remote intervention service that rescues robots when they fail. For example, when a tractor robot gets lost in a field, instead of calling the farmer for help, it can now call Adagy, whose operators will take control of the robot and remotely drive it back to safety. We’re starting with trained human operators assisted by generative AI, and as we collect more data, our model will learn to handle more of the edge cases. We want to see a world with more robots, so we’re addressing the biggest problem in robot deployment: reliability.
Adagy Robotics
Team Size:2
Group Partner:Jared Friedman
Active Founders

Rosalind Shinkle, Founder + CEO

Ros is the co-founder and CEO of Adagy Robotics. Before starting Adagy, Ros was a Staff Robotics Engineer at Boston Dynamics, where she worked on the Spot Manipulation team. At Boston Dynamics, Ros engineered the algorithms that tell the Spot arm how to interact with the world, e.g. how to inspect manufacturing lines and place sensitive objects. Ros has a BSE in Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics and a Master’s in Robotics from UPenn.
Rosalind Shinkle
Rosalind Shinkle
Adagy Robotics
Company Launches
Adagy Robotics: Rescuing robots 🤖🆘
See original launch post ›

Hi all! We’re Ros and Kathleen of Adagy Robotics, and we’re here to rescue your robots!

🗣️TL;DR: Adagy is a remote intervention service for robots

Our Ask

  • 🤖 If you’re at a robotics company or a robotics integrator: schedule a demo with us, or let us know why you wouldn’t! founders@adagyrobotics.com
  • 🤝 If you know people in robotics, robotic integration, logistics or manufacturing companies: we’d like warm intros for anyone who works at a robotics company, a company that does automation integration, or anyone who works with robots in logistics or manufacturing.

The Problem 😳

We love robots, but they fail often. For example, a robot might get stuck in tall grass because it interprets the grass in the same way it might interpret a chain link fence – catastrophically impenetrable!

This problem is painful for end users – a farmer who has just spent $100k on an autonomous tractor doesn’t want to stop work to tell the robot 🗣️ “that’s not a fence” 🗣️ every 4 hours.

This problem is painful for robotics companies – they want to be able to sell robots that work, but it can take many years of R&D to get to 99.999% reliability. Robotics companies are used to getting angry calls from customers – or worse, selling a robot that collects dust because it’s too unreliable.

The Solution 👀

Adagy Robotics is a 24/7 remote intervention service for your robots. When your robot fails, it can call out to Adagy over our API. Our trained operators will take over and drive your robot back to a stable state, and then resume autonomous operation. With Adagy, customers won’t even notice that a robot has failed, but robotics companies will be able to learn from the data collected during those failures.

With a safeguard like Adagy in place, robotics companies can deploy and scale robots earlier.

Safety and trust are at the core of our business:

  1. We notify site staff before taking control of the robot.
  2. We provide incident reports after each rescue.
  3. We maintain an auditable log of all failures and the actions taken by our operators.
  4. We proactively highlight repeat failures.

Initially, we'll be doing all interventions manually.  In the future we will layer in our own ML models to help the human drivers be more efficient and accurate, to do predictive failure prevention, and offer a software-only ‘supervisor’ to our customers.

Meet the Founders 💅🏻

We met while working at Boston Dynamics on the Spot robot. At BD, Ros engineered the algorithms to control Spot’s arm and gripper. Kathleen went on to work at Tesla, developing an end-to-end machine learning approach for Tesla’s humanoid’s arms and hands.

We’re excited to join forces again because we love robots and want to see them succeed! We are building Adagy Robotics because reliability is critical to the success of the robotics industry.

✉️ Email us at founders@adagyrobotics.com or schedule a 15-minute chat.