Global KYC and KYB Platform
AiPrise (YC S22) is a Global Compliance Platform. We help cross border fintechs like d-local, eBanx, Africhange with their individual (KYC )and business verifications (KYB). Our mission is to revolutionize the compliance landscape by making onboarding frictionless for legitimate users and impenetrable for fraudsters.
We like to move fast and ship fast, while also ensuring we deliver the best quality product out there. If that sounds like a place youβd like to work at, hop on!
As a Frontend Developer at AiPrise, you will be responsible for transforming wireframes designed by our designers into high-quality code. Our customers embed our SDK into their apps, so it is critical that the SDK is of the highest quality and highly customizable to meet our customers' design needs.
As an early member of our engineering team, you'll collaborate closely with design and engineering to deliver key features that will serve as the foundation for the AiPrise identity verification platform for years to come. You'll own large sections of the codebase and help set timelines and deadlines for project deliverables.
You will be instrumental in executing our product roadmap, including building technology like complex workflow tooling and creating seamless UIs for third-party APIs to interact with each other smoothly.
AiPrise enables fintech and crypto companies to onboard users compliantly and detect and remove fraudsters intelligently. We connect with multiple data sources like Government ID checks, credit bureaus, social media checks, IP address checks, phone number checks and give a simple YES/NO answer about a user to our customers.