Argon AI, Inc.

AI for Pharma Intelligence

Fullstack and AI Engineer(s)

$120K - $200K
New York, NY, US
Job Type
1+ years
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Samy Danesh
Samy Danesh

About the role

Argon is building an AI powered OS for pharma. We’re building deep integrations across pharma’s data systems to build a layer of intelligence for broad decision making assistance. We’re excited to power the next generation of scientists and pharma companies to bring life saving therapies to market faster and more efficiently.

This role is right for you if you want to build hundred-step agents, design the future of human and machine interactions, and directly impact the rate of therapeutics and medications entering the world.

We’ve partnered with some of the biggest names in pharma, a milestone that takes most companies years to achieve. We have incredible traction and a healthy pipeline to grow into. We are well funded and backed by top investors, including Y Combinator.

We value kindness, intensity, direct communication, intellectual honesty, and grit. Join us if you want to be productive, ship, and help build Argon AI.

Ideal Engineer

  • Company builder. You want to build through a user-centric lens and be involved not only in engineering decisions but product, design, and business decisions as well.
  • AI native. You bridge research and product. You’ve been tinkering with LLMs for the past few years and are comfortable working with vector databases, RAG systems, and building multi-step agents. You want to deploy the latest research and build things.
  • Ambitious. You are excited about working at a fast growing venture backed start-up where you will lead and have initiative.
  • A hacker. You build quickly, and you find your way to information. Constantly curious and have a serious bias towards action. Leverage the latest tech to build on a modern stack.

Compensation & location

  1. Generous cash + equity compensation
  2. We are an in-person company with offices in NYC. For non-NYC residents, we are happy to help cover moving and other related expenses.

About the interview

Reach out to with your resume or examples of previous work experience. Our process is simple. From there, we’ll then set up an initial call followed by technical and in-person conversations.

About Argon AI, Inc.

Argon is an AI powered OS for pharma. We use state of the art algorithms with reasoning-enabled LLMs to build workflows and products that power pharma companies to complete month long, complex, data-driven workflows in just days. Our mission is to power the next generation of scientists and pharma companies to bring life saving therapies to market faster and more efficiently.

Argon AI, Inc.
Team Size:2
Samy Danesh
Samy Danesh
Cyrus Jia
Cyrus Jia