Try our FREE plan at:
tldr: Dial 5 people at once, skip voicemails & reach prospects faster without breaking the bank. No forced annual contracts like Nooks or Orum! Get started today with our free plan and get your free phone number!
✅ Dial 5 people at once & connect to prospects faster
✅ Personalized AI Voicemail by cloning your voice
✅ Full feature parity with enterprise dialers like Nooks & Orum
✅ No forced annual contracts
The problem: Cold calling sucks with 2-5% connect rates. Sales teams spend hours everyday dialing & taking notes manually limiting cold calling as a outbound GTM function.
The solution: PowerDialer.AI ‘s AI powered parallel dialer automates the cold calling process by an order of magnitude by dialing 5 people at once, skipping bad numbers & connecting you with prospects asap.
Our AI Voicemail automates the task of dropping voicemails to individual leads by cloning your voice and dropping personalized VMs to all your leads.
YC Launch Deal: Email with the subject ‘YC LAUNCH DEAL’ to get a 15% discount on our quarterly plan ($169/mo)
Why switch from Nooks & Orum: We’re currently switching large enterprises like Lambda Labs & Cyberbit from Nooks because of our full feature parity, flexible monthly plans (no forced annual contracts!) and superior support. We’re built on the same telephony infrastructure (Twilio) like Nooks & Orum and offer better service without breaking the bank.
Book a 15min personalized demo here: