Codex is a VS Code extension that allows any engineer to attach comments, questions, notes or any kind of content to specific lines of code. This context follows your code as your team continues to build. Help your team understand your code base at a deeper level.
Karl Clement, Saumil Patel and Brandon Waselnuk have been working together for 8 years now shipping over 50 products across the VC fund they worked at, their own agency, and their own projects. They’ve seen this problem constantly and decided to do something about it.
The problem space we’re working on is collaborating on code, passive documentation through code block level context, onboarding and offboarding engineers into a code base. We found this problem on pretty much every software team we’ve worked on - you open a file and don’t know how something runs and have to start asking in #devops chats which leads you on a goose chase to find the engineer that remembers how the monolith runs. It stinks, and when you’re done you move on and finish your work, you don’t really capture everything you learned in DMs and leave it for other team members to learn from.
We’ve created an extension for VS Code to allow any engineer to attach their internal knowledge to specific files or lines of code and share it with the rest of the team.
Your support means the world to us. Here are some things we’d love: