

RenderNet creates realistic AI images of virtual human characters.

RenderNet is an advanced AI tool designed to transform imaginative concepts into high-quality images. It simplifies the process of creating visuals with consistent characters, while offering detailed control over their poses, composition, and styles. Key features of RenderNet include FaceLock, which allows for the generation of multiple images featuring a consistent facial identity, enhancing the coherence of visual storytelling. Additionally, ControlNet provides users with the capability to fine-tune images according to specific poses and compositional guidelines, offering a high level of customization. RenderNet is suitable for a wide range of users, from graphic designers and digital artists to marketing professionals and content creators, providing a versatile tool for diverse image generation needs.

Team Size:14
Location:Bengaluru, India

Active Founders

Bhagaban Behera

Bhagaban has been a serial entrepreneur and previously founded startups in diverse spaces in Singapore and India. Bhagaban loves to build brands that have solve deep problems and specialises in taking things from zero to one. Bhagaban is a graduate of IIT Kharagpur and has been an investment-banker at Barclays Capital before venturing into entrepreneurship.

Bhagaban Behera
Bhagaban Behera

Nakul Kelkar

current status - not in depression

Nakul Kelkar
Nakul Kelkar

Sriharsha Setty

Hardcore techie with a funny bone. Scaled 3 apps to more than a million users. Worked for the High Performance Computing and eXtreme Clusters team. Love to play chess when I am not coding. Love exploring music in all forms: Indian Classical, 60s, 70s 80s rock-n-roll, African Blues.

Sriharsha Setty
Sriharsha Setty

Company Launches

AI-generated images of humans are known to have a plastic feel and do not look real.

Truetouch is a new Image Upscaler built by RenderNet that adds realism to images of humans created using AI.

Example 1

Example 2

How to use TrueTouch?


RenderNet is an AI image generator with a focus on creating realistic and consistent images of virtual human characters. Get started with free credits at https://rendernet.ai

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