Hi, we’re John and Shaashwat! We worked together at Palantir in the manufacturing vertical, where John focused on industrial chemicals while Shaashwat worked on commercial defense. Our work on the ground exposed some incredible risks to American advanced manufacturing, particularly around how data is managed (or mismanaged) in an operational context.

- Data is stored in many formats, including various ERPs, PDFs, Word documents, and Excel files, across multiple different systems on the factory floor.
- This setup makes it difficult to answer basic questions, and answers are more often found in the heads of subject matter experts rather than in an easily accessible, uniform platform.
Our solution enables manufacturers to:
- Auto-integrate their disparate data into a singular knowledge base
- Query this knowledge base in natural language to provide visibility across their core processes.
- Implement workflows on top of this knowledge base to increase automation and improve overall decision-making.
By capturing and leveraging operational knowledge more effectively, this will ensure American manufacturing can continue to expand capacity in the coming decades.
Why Now?
- A wave of retirements, coupled with insufficient incoming skilled labor, will open up an estimated 2.1 million unfilled advanced manufacturing roles by 2030.
- This knowledge loss necessitates increased efforts to automate processes and manage data more effectively to ensure these factories continue running at full capacity.
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