
AI lipsync tool for video content creators

Jobs at sync.

₹1M - ₹10M INR
0.15% - 0.75%
3+ years
₹1M - ₹10M INR
0.10% - 0.50%
3+ years
San Francisco
$165K - $240K
0.20% - 1.20%
6+ years
San Francisco
$165K - $250K
0.10% - 1.30%
6+ years
San Francisco
$130K - $200K
0.30% - 1.00%
6+ years

Why you should join sync.

at sync. we're making video as fluid and editable as a word document.

how much time would you save if you could record every video in a single take?

no more re-recording yourself because you didn't like what you said, or how you said it.

just shoot once, revise yourself to do exactly what you want, and post. that's all.

this is the future of video: AI modified >> AI generated

we're playing at the edge of science + fiction.

our team is young, hungry, uniquely experienced, and advised by some of the greatest research minds + startup operators in the world. we're driven to solve impossible problems, impossibly fast.

our founders are the original team behind the open sourced wav2lip — the most prolific lip-sync model to date w/ over 9k+ GitHub stars.

we’re at a stage today in computer vision where we were w/ NLP two years ago — have a bunch of disparate, specialized models (eg. Sentiment classification, translation, summarization, etc), but LLMs (a generalized large language model) displaced them.

we’re taking the same approach – curating high quality datasets + training a series of specialized models to accomplish specific tasks, while building up to towards a more generalized approach for one model to rule them all.

post batch our growth is e^x – we need help asap to scale up our infra, training, and product velocity.

we look for the following: [1] raw intelligence [2] boundless curiosity [3] exceptional resolve [4] high agency [5] outlier hustle

Team Size:13
Location:San Francisco
Prajwal K R
Prajwal K R
Founder & Chief Scientist
Prady Modukuru
Prady Modukuru
Rudrabha Mukhopadhyay
Rudrabha Mukhopadhyay
Pavan Reddy
Pavan Reddy