
IDE for Building AI Agents with Natural Language Programming

Junior/ Founder's Associate

$30K - $80K
San Francisco, CA, US
Job Type
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Robert Chandler
Robert Chandler

About the role

We're looking for someone with high agency. Your goal will be to deliver results with a lot of independence, but with just enough guidance provided.

What you'll work on will be dynamic and may change every week, but you'll need to be unstoppable in getting your small handful of priorities accomplished quickly.

The more important question is, how will you work?

Being great at something (and here we're talking about the 99th percentile) requires working smart and hard.

You're going to work harder than you ever have. You'll work alongside the best team you've ever worked with, and you'll create the greatest work you can possibly create. You'll do the right things and achieve extraordinary results, but it will require an extraordinary amount of work. Extreme people get extreme results, and that's what we're aiming for.

However, it will be really fun.

At the very least, you'll see what a great team, product, and process look like.

People who join us come to find out how good they are and to show it in a way that can’t be denied. The remaining question is whether you're ready for the challenge?

Feel free to reach out directly to Kamil (if you're the right fit, you'll find a way).

About Wordware

Join Wordware (YC S24)

  • Building an IDE for Natural Language Programming — wordware.ai

  • Sign up for free using this link: app.wordware.ai

  • Main Tool for Millions of AI Engineers coming to the market in the next 5 years

  • Repeat founders with exits, in ML for the last 10 years

  • Real Traction: 3000 MAUs + a bunch of SMB contracts (99-500 per month per seat) + 2 enterprise customers (100k ARR + 80k pilot potential going to 900k ARR)

  • Product + Community Led Growth

  • Already funded (we raised pre-YC at 25mm valuation) — we won’t do a major pivot or fold on you — we’ve been building this for over a year and are getting more excited every day.

note: we're in hustle mode. we're shipping as fast as we can. this is not the kind of job you can cruise and 9-5. only apply if u want to grind, work late nights, and be part of a generational company. We are an onsite company (SF), expect a big house where the founders live, free food, beers and cool team activities.

So we are here, you are looking for a job at a startup huh?

⁉️ What’s it going to be like ⁉️

In Shackleton's famous words: “People wanted for hazardous journey. Low wages, bitter cold, long hours of complete darkness. Safe return doubtful. Honour and recognition in the event of success.”

  • Why tho?

    Risk + Excitement + Hard Work == Startup. Sure, you could join a big company and make decent money but it's that constant thrill of hope, the addictive energy that makes Robert and I come back to startups over and over again 😵‍💫

    To thrive here, you’ve got to embrace this delulu universe, where the victories give us hope and the failures make us want it even more. Yes, we work late hours and often deal with some bullshit, but you'll be part of something bigger and even more you will have a direct impact on EVERYTHING.

    If you're ready to roll up your sleeves, identify your own features to build, and find your own problems to solve, then come on in. Grab a beer and a slice of pizza, and dive into creating the future of natural language programming and AI agents. Together, we'll revolutionize the way we work. Green Light. 🟢

So what is Wordware?

**Wordware* is a prompt-first programming language that can be used by non-developers (AI Engineers). We merge concepts like loops, logic and functions from the world of classical programming with the non-deterministic nature of Language Models. It’s exposed in a web-hosted IDE with features like sharing, forking and API deployment.*

Sign up — try the onboarding flow

Try some prompts:

  1. ReAct Agent — https://app.wordware.ai/r/8e8b46b3-8643-4eac-9bc3-b9907ae67f36
  2. Make a personal website research agent — https://app.wordware.ai/r/e3d4e2d6-07c5-49d7-8522-0d53cd7021d2

Traction and Team

  • Traction: We recently closed a paid partnership with 7000 employees enterprise for 80k (3 months), moving to 1MM ARR if successful + 1 smaller enterprise client. We also have paying SMB clients ($99-500 per seat per month) and 3000MAUs in the community.
  • Team: We’re product-first builders with a track record of shipping ML for the last ten years.
  • We’ve worked with LLMs since BERT and GPT-2 and created well-performing stacks before MLOps was a term.
  • We both have had exits in the field, with Robert being one of the first engineers at FiveAI (acquired by Bosch for 1xx MM) and Filip’s companies raising collectively 10MM.
  • We met 10 years ago at Cambridge University and worked as full-time co-founders for the last 2.5 years through highs and lows (last project made 360k ARR)

Come work with us

If a position you would find interesting is not above don't worry. If you love what we are doing reach out to me anyway ( founders [at] wordware.ai ). Ideally, mention how would you improve our company and try to do it before the application even starts. Or build something using app.wordware.ai. Just be proactive! We are busy! If you think you are fucking excellent just drop me your LinkedIn.

We will reach a decision within 14 days and normally pay you for your work if we go through some trial during that time.

Also, join our discord server and share something you built with Wordware!

Team Size:3
Location:San Francisco
Robert Chandler
Robert Chandler
Filip Kozera
Filip Kozera