
🦁 GitLab Integrations: The store to find your next GitLab app

Help us list all the GitLab apps out there

Hey YC!

we've been working on the GitHub ecosystem for two years, and while integrating the GitLab API into our services, we found that it was missing key feature to help both developers build and engineering teams find new apps to improve their workflow.

So, we're excited to launch GitLabIntegrations.com to help developers find their next best GitLab apps.

🤯 Problem:

There is no central place to list all of the integrations. GitLab only lists a few https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/integration/.

Integrations allow for a more flexible workflow

There are many GitLab integrations out there that can help your team be more productive and help your business ship value to customers faster.

🦁 Introducing GitLabIntegrations.com: we help you find the tools you were always looking for.

Our platform features over 40 integrations and 11 categories to help you find what you're looking for quickly and easily. So, whether you're looking for tools to improve your team's productivity or help your business ship value to customers faster, GitLabIntegrations.com has got you covered.

Ask YC

If you find our platform helpful, we invite you to contribute by adding integrations you use that aren't listed, or even the ones you've created. Simply follow the link: https://gitlabintegrations.com/add-an-app to share your integration with the community.


Axolo being featured: