
Extend - Build internal Chrome extensions that give your team superpowers

Ship internal tools that reduce context switching, eliminate copy/pasting, and customize any website your team relies on.


Extend is a low code developer tool that makes it easy to build internal chrome extensions for your company.

For example, support teams can solve tickets faster with custom buttons that call internal APIs, draft responses, and bring GPT-4 into the loop.

Sales teams can customize their CRM with real-time database queries and UI overlays.

Give your company superpowers in 15 minutes.

Extend gives your developers building blocks so they can build these types of workflows in 15 minutes.

We provide:

  1. tons of pre-built modules (e.g. extract info from the page via GPT-4, inject a button in to the DOM)
  2. beautiful UI components
  3. secure connections to your database + internal APIs
  4. one-click instant deployment to your team

Just write your custom business logic and wire up the flow, we’ll handle the rest.

Extend is a better way of building internal tools.

I’ve spent years working in fintech and built a ton of internal tooling for support and operations teams. But using most internal tools today requires a ton of copy/pasting and context switching, which any support or operations team will tell you is the bane of their existence. Chrome Extensions enable your internal tools to live inside the apps where your teams already spend 90% of their time today.

And now with GPT-4, your teams can activate supercharged workflows within the context of your existing tools.

Get Started

  • For the first 5 companies that sign up, we’ll build your internal chrome extension for you with no engineering resources needed on your end!
  • Send a note to kushal@extend.app if you have feedback / want to chat