
Motörhead - LLM memory server built in Rust

Motörhead is an open-source memory and information retrieval server for LLMs.


Motörhead is an open-source memory and information retrieval server for LLMs. Built and supported by Metal.

As LLM usage becomes more widely adopted, modern software products must handle users' LLM interactions, chat sessions, and retrieval for relevant prompting context at scale. With much of the performance cost being on the prompting to APIs like OpenAI and other LLMs, contextual data retrieval is ideally as fast as possible.


  • 🪄 Modern strategies to stay within the prompt window
  • 💬 Chat session management out of the box
  • 🦜 Langchain integration
  • 🧠 Automatic Embedding generation via OpenAI ADA
  • 🕸️ Redis Vector DB forto utilize RedisSearch (semantic)
  • 💽 Short-term & long-term storage
  • 🔥 Built in Rust for performance


  • User Authentication
  • Knowledge Graph Memory handling
  • Additional support for other Embedding Models
  • Create an issue!
