iOS 16.5 ships with a standards based web-push notifications, but you need a PWA to try it out
iOS launched web push notifications a month ago with 16.5, but there has been a surprising lack of examples to try out. We built and made the code open source so more devs can try it out and share it with their coworkers!
For the longest time, iPhone apps needed to be “native” and downloaded from the App Store to utilize push notifications, but you will see that this is no longer true :)
This could be the thing that enables thousands of products to have native like presence, without the extra code, or having to deal with wrappers like Cordova. Apple is notorious for taking tech that has existed for years and propelling it into the mainstream
As long-time HN users, we also included an option to subscribe to a feed of top Hacker News posts delivered via push to you every six hours. It makes it a fun little app instead of a boring demo!
Worth noting that we don't track any personal info (random UUIDs for user IDs, so not even device IDs).
We’d love any feedback or shares. We also did a “Show HN” if you see us there!