
AutoEmber - A visual design tool for making real websites

Instead of making mockups, just make the real thing!

Hi everyone. We’re Ben and Izak, cofounders of AutoEmber.

(Left to Right)

Ben: Former competitive gamer. Was on the MTG Pro Tour at 14. Rank 1 Hearthstone Battlegrounds. Lived with Reynad (CEO and Twitch streamer) and spent 2 years as lead game designer at TempoStorm.

Izak: Built a crypto trading platform at Cove Markets, acquired by Robinhood in 2021. Previously, JP Morgan software engineer. Computer science at the University of Michigan.

We met over a decade ago playing Magic the Gathering in Holland, Michigan.

😓 The Problem:

Making websites is hard. To make a website today, you either:

  1. Learn html, css, and javascript –> Months of learning, hours of coding to make minor changes
  2. Use a template website builder –> Can’t customize, get a generic website

Meanwhile, there’s thousands of designers who can make pixel-perfect mockups, but then they have to pass it off to a coder who can actually build it.

💫The Solution:

AutoEmber - a visual design tool that makes real websites

We spent the last couple months building a web app that lets anyone make a custom website, end to end, without coding. The user experience:

  1. Make an account
  2. Design your website in the editor
  3. Push “Publish”

Today, you could make a good looking website with a few pages in a couple hours. We’re constantly adding features to make it more 🥧 easy, 💪 powerful, and 💅 pretty

Who its for:

You’ll find it especially useful if you’re:

  • A designer who uses tools like Figma
  • A backend dev who doesn’t like frontend
  • A business owner who wants a custom website without coding

But anyone making a website should check it out.

How you can help

Give it a try! It’s free. We love feedback. AutoEmber.com

If you’re in the market for a website, please reach out! We’d be happy to help you design your website. Contact: ben@autoember.com 👋

Thanks, Ben and Izak