
❇️ Briefer: Jupyter Notebooks and data apps in the cloud - and it looks like Notion!

Create and share beautiful analyses, visualizations, and data apps

**TL;DR: If you're using Jupyter Notebooks or have ad-hoc scripts and data apps, you should consider switching to Briefer ❇️. Briefer works like Jupyter Notebooks, but it runs in the cloud and is as pretty and intuitive as Notion. It allows you to create beautiful and in-depth analyses, visualizations, and data apps.**

Hi, we're Lucas da Costa and Lucas Vieira (the Lucas²), founders of Briefer.

We've built Briefer to help data scientists create analyses, visualizations, and data apps and share their work with others — including non-technical people!

🎬 Here's a demo 📹

You can use Briefer instead of writing messy notebooks, building unmanageable ad-hoc scripts, wrangling with SQL in limited BI tools, or going through the hassle of setting up the infrastructure for a data app.

⭐ Briefer is better than Jupyter or ad-hoc solutions because:

  • 💅 It looks way better and is 1000x easier to use — non-technical stakeholders will love it too.
  • 🤗 It's easy to share — just copy a link, no need to install dependencies or pull a git repo.
  • 💾 You can run SQL and Python in the same place — All SQL queries can be used as Pandas data-frames straightaway. No need to write custom wrapper libraries.
  • 🖥️ It's interactive — you can use text fields or dropdowns for viewers to provide input to your pages.
  • ⚡No Memory or GPUs? No problem — we can get you more powerful machines if you need them.
  • 👯 Real-time collaboration — you can see what others are doing if you're editing the same document, just like Google Drive.

⭐ Get started now ✨

➡️ Click here to book an intro call if you want to get started with Briefer ⭐

We move fast and we prioritize making customers happy over everything else - and we can help you build your first analyses and data apps. So, as a small team, there's a limited number of people we can onboard at a time - make sure to book a call as soon as possible to ensure we'll get you a spot.

If you have any other questions or comments, please email us at founders@briefer.cloud.