
Strobe: Creator marketing for software companies

Strobe is the AI assistant for better creator partnerships

Hi everyone! We are Beau and Dirkjan, and we're here to present Strobe, an AI tool that helps you find proven influencers who already love your product.

Dirkjan is a rustls maintainer and built a fast open-source vector database in Rust before anyone knew they needed one. As an engineer on Facebook's growth and mobile teams, Beau helped rebuild Facebook twice, once on the web and again on iOS.

Book a call with Beau to learn how growth teams are working with influencers now.


Founders and growth teams tell us that while influencer marketing has a high ROI, it’s very hard to find and evaluate content partners at scale.

  1. Finding partners who really understand and care about their products is hard.
  2. Teams do not want to work with creators who post controversial content or are already working with their competitors. But it’s nearly impossible to review thousands of posts by scrolling.

Our solution

Strobe connects first-party social APIs with modern LLMs so you can quickly find and evaluate influencers in your community. We’re launching with Instagram and will soon roll out integrations with LinkedIn, YouTube, and other platforms.

  1. Strobe finds influencers in your social communities who already love your products. You can also import your existing customers to find influencers who already use your products.

  2. Strobe’s fine-tuned LLMs instantly review thousands of posts with dozens of GPUs to identify key performance metrics, topics, controversial topics, brand partnerships, and unlabeled sponsored content.

Our customers

Strobe helps growth and marketing teams at software companies find great content partners at scale. Here are two examples:

  1. A large public B2C software company with ~1M followers uses Strobe to segment and analyze their audiences, including customers, to find content partners for influencer marketing.
  2. A growth-stage B2B software company with ~75k followers uses Strobe for competitive research and to screen out creators who share content that does not represent their brand values.

Our ask

  1. Book a demo with Beau to see how Strobe can help your team
  2. If you have an Instagram professional account, sign up for a free trial at Strobe.app

Thank you!