
bumpgen - keep your code up-to-date with AI

Open source tool to generate code fixes for breaking changes

bumpgen generates fixes for breaking changes in version upgrades with AI

  • 🧑🏼‍💻 bumpgen <package> <new-version> to get fixes to your version bump breaking changes
  • 🔑 Bring your own OpenAI API key
  • 🌐 Supports Typescript codebases

Why build bumpgen?

Keeping your dependencies updated is a good security and engineering practice (just not too up-to-date, thanks xz 🙏🏼). But they can be a pain to actual perform because:

  • Major version bumps have breaking changes and no one wants to fix them.
  • 25% minor version bumps have breaking changes as well (semver isn’t perfect)
  • There can be a lot of version bumps from small packages to large frameworks

How Does bumpgen work?

bumpgen is pretty straight forward:

  • BUMP your dependency version then GENerate the fixes for the breaking changes
  • Quick to get started with npm install -g bumpgen
  • Works on top of your Dependabot or Renovate to take care of those gnarly breaking changes

If you are curious how bumpgen identifies, fixes, then propagates the breaking change fix, we added bumpgen’s architecture and design decisions here 👈

How to start?