A free tool from Dover to help you write better job descriptions.
Today, Dover is launching RateMyJD - a free AI-powered tool to help you write better job descriptions.
👉 Try it out at ratemyjd.com
Just paste in your job listing, and we’ll evaluate it across 20 dimensions ranging from job responsibilities, to culture, to inclusivity. Within a minute, you’ll get a detailed report of what’s missing + how to improve.
PS - for fun, check out Roast mode 🌶️
Why did we build this?
The difference between a well-written job description and a poorly written one can make or break your chances of attracting high-quality candidates. At Dover, we've analyzed thousands of job descriptions and, using data-backed techniques proven to increase the likelihood of attracting quality candidates, we've developed a simple tool that helps any founder or hiring manager write the perfect job description.
How is this different from ChatGPT?
Dover has helped 500+ companies like Stripe, Scale AI, Vanta, Benchling, and many more to hire great talent. Along the way, we’ve learned what makes a good job posting.
We then leverage LLMs and combine it with some of Dover’s proprietary data to score these job descriptions across these dimensions.
What types of roles does RateMyJD support?
Our system is versatile and can support nearly any type of job description.
How do I get started?
Head to ratemyjd.com and just paste in your job description - the formatting doesn’t matter.
From there, our system will work its magic and provide you with results within one minute.
Give it a spin, and let us know how it works for you!