
Freestyle: TypeScript for EVERYTHING

A fundamental shift in how we approach web development

TLDR; You can use TypeScript for EVERYTHING

Freestyle is a fundamental shift in how we approach web development. With Freestyle, you write your entire application—frontend and backend—in TypeScript. No context switching. No mental gymnastics. Just pure, consistent TypeScript throughout.

Right now, building an application has a ton of disjointed layers. Imagine you’re writing a book in English for English readers. Now, imagine being told that all the connecting words—the “ands,” “buts,” and “ors”—must be written in Latin. Sounds absurd, right? Yet, this is often what web development feels like: you write your frontend in one language, only to switch to another for the backend, another for your database, and yet another to let your app connect to others.

During our work for Apple, we lost hundreds of hours trying to integrate different layers and teams together to make our application run. That time should’ve been spent on features, but instead was spent on stitching features together. We created Freestyle not as a new stitching tool but as a way for whole organizations to not need those tools and instead function as a single unit.

When you use Freestyle, you write your frontend and backend in JavaScript. Then, when you wanna call functions from your backend on your frontend, you just use them — no more dealing with REST APIs. When you want to store data, you just mark your JavaScript as @cloudstate and when you’re ready to deploy, you run npx freestyle deploy — and in one command you’re up and running.

No more SQL, no MongoDB, no Firebase, no GraphQL or REST, or anything else taking time away from building features. With Freestyle, all you need is TypeScript.

Ready to try it? Sign up for a demo here, or CHECK OUT THE DOCS HERE