
Intryc - Your Quality Assurance AI co-pilot for customer support

Sample tickets, evaluate human and AI agents, and unlock customer insights across all your customer interactions

Hi everyone, we’re Alex, George, and Dimi!

We are ex-Meta, Amazon, Revolut, and Confluent engineering and GTM folk who have spent more than 7 years improving the customer experience in companies like Meta, Amazon, Revolut, Confluent, and Navan. We decided to build Intryc with the mission to centralize and automate the repetitive, error-prone, and manual tasks in the Support QA process to free up the time of CX teams so they can focus on what really matters to them - their customers and business goals.


Intryc uses AI to automate Quality Assurance for customer support. Customers like Deel.com centralize and automate parts of their Quality Assurance on Intryc to ensure agent compliance, double QA productivity, reduce costs by 50%, and prevent negative customer interactions while collecting actionable product and customer insights.

The Problem

Quality assurance for customer support is vital in regulated sectors like banking and utilities. Millions of customer inquiries must be handled and evaluated consistently and accurately to avoid regulatory non-compliance and brand reputation damage. This process is typically run manually by internal teams that still rely on outdated systems or spreadsheets to review and evaluate customer interactions. Even the most efficient QA teams can evaluate less than 5% of total tickets, leaving millions of interactions unreviewed and risking regulatory compliance, reputation damage, and increased customer churn.

The Solution

Intryc’s AI-powered solution automates the manual, repetitive, and error-prone tasks of the QA process, integrates with knowledge bases and data sources, such as help desks and CRM systems, to streamline the entire process end-to-end and allows organisations to scale their Support QA, without the scaling costs!


What Intryc offers:

  • Automated Intelligent Sampling
    • Automate your sampling and workload distribution to ensure an optimal ratio of QA specialists to sampled tickets, minimising idle QA time.
    • Create targeted customer ticket samples with AI based on sentiment, keywords, or other custom rules.
  • Dynamic Workload Distribution
    • Create hybrid or fully automated AI evaluation workloads to double your team’s productivity.
  • Custom Scorecards and Unlimited Coverage
    • Optimize your scorecards with customized criteria based on internal playbooks, knowledge bases, or evaluation repositories.
    • Score up to 100% of your tickets with AI without a single human involved, or try AI vs human A/B testing, and override AI evaluations when required.
    • Get AI-generated ticket and agent evaluation summaries.
  • Tailored Agent Coaching
    • Get AI-generated summaries of underperforming agents based on scorecard ratings and provide tailored coaching to each agent.
  • Extensive reporting
    • AI generated insights based on key topics, product areas, or customer service from your entire ticket base.
    • Real-time ticket evaluations and agent performance summaries for management.

👋 Ask: How you can help

  • Support us on here on socials!
  • Connect us to COOs or Customer Support/Experience/Operational leaders in your network at alex@intryc.com.
  • Give us product feedback as a company leader who cares about their customers’ experience and supports the team’s performance. Book a 15-minute demo here.

💥 The Deal

Inbound from the YC network will get a 50% discount. Email alex@intryc.com to redeem the deal!