
Flyflow: The easiest way to find high-quality leads

Spend your time meeting ideal prospects instead of doing manual research.

TLDR;  Flyflow enables companies to find prospective customers using AI workflows instead of drowning in tables.

Check it out (and find companies in <5 minutes). Sign up and try our product for free, yes free!

I don't know how I would have found these leads myself.

-Varsha Ramesh Walsh, CEO, Offstream

Flyflow did the best job possible finding companies in what is probably a non-existent niche.

-Peter Marler, CEO, Unit IQ

Flyflow has helped us surface the signals that matter most in customer qualification. Our lead list is already better than what we've been working off before.

-Ankit Singhal, CEO, Arctic Capture

Over the last three weeks, we’ve worked with ~30 companies in our batch and dozens more at larger companies. Our customers have significantly improved their lead sourcing process, now focus on higher-quality leads, and will soon have increased sales. Join the fun!


Imagine if you could find your ideal prospects quickly, automating the manual web research and filtering that you’re doing now. You would never have to learn how to use Apollo, Clay, Linkedin Sales Navigator, Instantly, or other sales tools. Our system includes lookalike search, meta-data filtering, and concise lead notes.

Your team could be finding high-quality leads, today

We'd love for you to try our platform, see you improve your sales pipeline, and hear any feedback you have.

Mention us: If you like what you see, mention us in Slack groups/social where sales leaders, SDRs, or startup founders hang out.

Wait, but why

Our journey began with a tale as old as time: we were struggling to sell enterprise contracts for our AI voice product. Even finding companies who perfectly fit our Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) required hours of manual work to research each company to see if the size, product, and team were a good fit for us. THEN we had to get a meeting.

We even stopped building so that we could “focus on GTM” ☠️. None of the sales tools we tried solved this for us.

This experience led us to develop Flyflow. Our vision is to make high-quality lead sourcing accessible to everyone, without feeling like you need to learn a new set of tools.

The Team

Carl and Pritee love building products that make really annoying tasks go away. Most recently, Pritee was Head of Product at Lithic (launch credit/debit cards insanely fast), and before that was on the product team at Plaid (link your bank account to any app in seconds, not days). Carl was building Coherent, making Web3 infrastructure so that builders could integrate web3 data (in minutes instead of months). They met at Coinbase in 2018; those were the days. And so are these. ✨