
getcrux: AI Copilot for Performance Marketing

Optimize Google & Meta Ads with insights & recommendations from our AI Ads Specialist.


getcrux helps performance marketers running ads on Google & Meta to optimize for better performance with instant answers & actionable insights. Marketers are overburdened with manual, repetitive tasks like debugging technical issues and tracking campaigns, which leaves no time for planning and executing experiments. With getcrux, they can take the right action at the right time and exceed their performance targets. Watch our demo here.

Why is this a problem?

  1. Google & Meta’s combined ad revenues have crossed $350B in 2023, and over 90% of this ad spend is wasted (i.e., shown to audiences that are irrelevant/non-intent )
  2. Performance marketers are struggling to meet performance targets consistently because of changes in platform algorithms, rising competition, and, most importantly, inefficient operations
  3. On average, a performance marketer spends 70-80% of their time doing operational, repetitive tasks like debugging technical issues, creating 10s of reports, and following up with design and compliance teams. They are hardly left with any time to think of the next strategy and execute experiments

Our Solution

An AI Ads Specialist that helps performance marketers find the right answers, uncover hidden opportunities, and take the right action at the right time.

Here’s how getcrux can help:

  • Get answers to all your questions instantly

  • Proactive insights that tell you what’s wrong before it’s too late

  • Surfacing hidden opportunities & recommending actions

How effective is this?

We have been working with performance marketing teams of brands & ad agencies that manage more than $3B+ of ad spend.

Here’s how we recently helped an ad agency achieve a 2% uplift in performance and saved $18,000 last month for one of their accounts.

How did we land here?

  • The 3 of us started getcrux right after college nearly 2.5 years ago and have known each other for more than 7 years now. We’ve been through more than 15 pivots before shaping getcrux to its current form.

Our team at our newly inaugurated office in Bangalore, India.

  • Our history with performance marketing dates back to 2022, when we were building ‘Google Ads for Web3’ to help games built on decentralized networks acquire users. Since traditional channels don’t work for web3 projects, there was a need for a predictable and trackable way of marketing.
  • ⁠When we got into YC in W24, we were trying to build a general-purpose AI Copilot for analytics but soon realized that most of our customer demand was coming from performance marketers. So, we decided to focus our attention ONLY on performance marketers.
  • Our vision is to make data analysis faster, accessible, and explainable for every non-technical user. Imagine Glean AI but for structured data.

Our Ask

We’re looking to get our product into the hands of as many performance marketers as possible. If you know someone who fits this criteria, please help us get in touch with them. Drop a DM or email at atharva@getcrux.ai.

Criteria: Anyone who runs ads on Google & Meta

  • Performance marketers running ads for their brand
  • Founder/CMOs running ads on their own
  • Ad agency founders and freelancers running ads for clients