
Ceejay - Give Your Inbox and Calendar a Brain

Ceejay uses AI to lighten the mental load of managing your inbox and calendar.

TLDR; We’re launching Ceejay – an all-knowing assistant connected to your inbox and calendar. Download it here (if you have Gmail and an iPhone!).

The Problem

Our inboxes are too noisy to manage and too important to ignore. 70% of people who have a full-time executive assistant start by having them manage their email and calendar.

Why? It’s an easy way to save time (say, an hour a day) and both platforms have enough context that an assistant can ramp up fairly quickly. We’ve proven LLMs can do this for you, for a fraction of the cost of a human.

We previously built Superfilter to tackle a similar problem, but we made a ton of mistakes. Thankfully those mistakes led us to a product people find very valuable.

Enter Ceejay

Using Ceejay is similar to the experience of chatting with a human assistant.

Watch this 60-second video to understand what Ceejay can do for you.

Ceejay has a growing list of things it can do for you including:

Searching your inbox: Why search your inbox for that receipt from July when you can ask Ceejay?

Managing your schedule: Why send a calendar link or book an event when you can ask Ceejay (who handles conflicts!)?

Highlight messages that matter: Why separate your important messages from the unimportant when Ceejay can do it for you?

Learning about you: Ceejay is also the only inbox that deliberately remembers facts about you to reference later. I told Ceejay that my coworkers are Scott and Travis.

Just ask, and you shall receive. There’s no additional inbox to manage. No new interface to learn. Just a clean chat with a ton of features you can use to manage your schedule and (important) email-based conversations efficiently.

Who are we?

We’re Scott, Travis, and Albrey. We participated in the S24 batch, building Superfilter. During our time building Superfilter, we learned from over 1,000 people about the pain they feel having to manage their inboxes. Our mission is to bring the experience of having a personal assistant to every knowledge worker at 1/100th of the cost.

How can you help us?

If you’re an iPhone and Gmail user, download the product at tryceejay.com.