
StudyDojo: AI tutors for students

AI personalized learning for K-12

StudyDojo is building the AI study platform students actually obsess over.

We use AI to transform familiar study tools - question banks,  study notes, mini-lessons - into personalized learning experiences that adapt to each student, tailored to their curriculum.

Meet StudyDojo

TL;DR StudyDojo is building the AI study platform students actually obsess over. We have 2,000+ paying customers generating mid-six figure ARR, growing 13% weekly the past two weeks and maintained a 10% weekly growth rate since joining YC. With an NPS of 75+ customers, many B2C customers have started to drive our B2B adoption in schools.

We’re becoming the single browser tab students never close. Let’s chat: founders@studydojo.com


1 out of 4 people worldwide are students, each learning differently. Yet education insists on one-size-fits-all: same classrooms, same content, same methods, unchanged for decades.


Instead of human tutors and ChatGPT, our students get curriculum-specific practice questions, flashcards, and mini-lessons with step-by-step AI feedback personalized to their needs.

Learn with mini-lessons:

Go deeper with any question:

Grade your answers:

Our insight

Jeff Bezos said innovation is not disruptive, customer adoption is.

We place this core and center to everything we do: branding, UI/UX and curriculum-tailored AI. While incumbents build for content delivery, no one has truly built for the student experience first.

Because of this, StudyDojo has gained a 140k+ strong community and 2,000+ paying customers spanning 180 countries and 2,400 schools: