
Requestly - Open-Source API Mocking & Testing Tool for Developers 🚀

A better alternative to Postman & Charles Proxy

Hey founders! Sachin here.

What I started with a simple Chrome extension to solve one simple use case has evolved into a complete API Testing & Mocking platform - now used by more than half of Fortune 500 companies.

TL;DR: Requestly helps developers build faster by intercepting, mocking, and testing API responses. No more waiting for backend developers, struggling with flaky staging environments, or fighting over API contracts. With 200,000+ active installs, Requestly is trusted by Google, Amazon, Workday, Indeed, and many other Fortune 500 companies.

Demo Video:

The Problem

Frontend developers face two common problems during their local development: Dependency on backend developers (i.e. Waiting for APIs) and Unstable backend services.

Whether it's:

  • The backend team still building the endpoint
  • API not returning the data required for the development
  • Flaky Staging/Backend servers being used for local development
  • Need to modify API responses for testing error paths in frontend codebase

This leads to delayed releases, blocked sprints, and frustrated developer experience.

Enter Requestly

Requestly lets you intercept, mock, and test API responses in browsers and mobile apps.

Core Features:

  • Mocking API Responses: Instantly mock any API response without touching the backend or your frontend code.
  • Testing API Responses: Quickly Test API responses with a sweet, simple API client.
  • Mocking a Complete Flow: You can either create API mocks for selective requests or record a user flow and create mocks for the entire flow.
  • Collaboration using Team Workspace: Save and reuse common API mocks across your teams with collaboration enabled in real-time.

Why people love it

Frontend Teams: Build features without waiting for backend APIs or dealing with staging server issues.

QA Teams: Test edge cases in APIs and UI for error scenarios easily

Backend Teams: Build, Design, Test and Collaboration on APIs

Enterprise Ready: Used by over half of Fortune 500 companies including Google, Workday, Indeed, CapitalOne, MasterCard, and AutoDesk

Other Common Use-Cases

1. Overriding JS Bundles While talking to the enterprise users, we discovered that Overriding JS bundles from production to local/staging environments is one of the major use cases. They do this to test their local code changes directly on the production website by overriding the JS assets.

2. API Testing We ended up building a sweet, simple API client for our customers for basic API testing, and now this has become a core feature of our product. We already offer capabilities like Collections, Environments, Workspaces, and Collaboration.


"Requestly is an incredibly useful tool for developers working on a large team with multiple staging envs, or numerous app endpoints for various APIs in a local environment. Requestly combines all the power of complicated tools like Charles Proxy and Postman. I highly recommend giving it a try if you haven't already–it will make your dev work so much easier."

— Joél, Senior Software Engineer at Autodesk

What we are planning next

  • Building better API mocking capabilities for Android/iOS devices & simulators. We have already migrated some companies from Charles Proxy & Postman to Requestly and it has worked well.
  • Building more API testing features like Collection Runners, Scripting, and API test cases.
  • Learn how to market well. So far all of our growth has been organic. We did try some activities in the past but we weren't consistent.
  • Improve our customer success. We have a lot of free and paying users but we currently do not have any process to stay in touch with them and keep collecting their feedback.

🙏 Our Ask

🎁 Special YC Deal: 6 months free for your entire team on our Professional plan.

Drop me a line at sachin@requestly.io or book a demo: https://app.cal.com/sachin-rq/30min.
