

The easiest way to automate your work.

Founded in 2011, Zapier is the #1 workflow automation platform for small and mid-sized businesses. By connecting more than 6,000 of the most popular work apps, Zapier empowers its users to make the most of the tools they already use—and to focus on what matters most.
Team Size:700
Location:Mountain View
Active Founders

Wade Foster, Founder

Co-founder and CEO at Zapier
Wade Foster
Wade Foster

Bryan Helmig, Founder/CTO, , engineer

Father of three.
Bryan Helmig
Bryan Helmig

Mike Knoop, Founder

Mike Knoop
Mike Knoop

YC Sign Photo

Company photo

Company Photo

Company photo
Hear from the founders

How did your company get started? (i.e., How did the founders meet? How did you come up with the idea? How did you decide to be a founder?)

Bryan, Mike, and I co-founded Zapier in 2011 while living in Columbia, Missouri. At the time, Bryan and I did some freelance work alongside our day jobs, where we worked on a number of web projects for clients. We noticed a pattern emerging among our clients—they were asking us more and more if there was a way to build integrations from one app to another. We found that we both had this problem and decided to tackle this problem with our other co-founder, Mike, at the Missouri Startup Weekend. We used this as a time to develop and build the basis of the product that millions of customers now know and use daily.

How did you decide to apply to Y Combinator? What was your experience applying, going through the batch, and fundraising at demo day?

The first time we applied to YC, we were rejected. At the time, we were bummed, but the rejection made sense — we applied with a janky product we built at a startup weekend, and we had no customers and no track record. So we went back, found customers, built our first round of integrations, and then decided to apply again. We got in the second time we applied; Mike, Bryan, and I moved to Silicon Valley to go through the whole process. In the end, we raised our only round of funding, $1.3 million in seed funding from YC and Bessemer Venture Partners, which gave us room to grow. For us, YC allowed us to go full time on the company and provided a supportive environment for putting all our time and attention into getting the company off the ground.