
Automated software testing with AI

Jobs at Momentic

San Francisco, CA, US / Seattle, WA, US
$100K - $200K
0.50% - 2.00%
Any (new grads ok)

Why you should join Momentic

Momentic automates software testing with AI. Companies like Chegg and Retool use Momentic to author end-to-end tests 10X faster compared to traditional tools. We make AI do the heavy lifting so that software engineers can focus on shipping features: interacting with elements on the page, reasoning about correctness, conducting visual comparisons, and even generating whole test cases!

Our core product is a low-code test editor that replaces traditional test scripts with AI-powered, self-healing steps. It seamlessly integrates into standard engineering workflows: from local development to CI/CD environments and production. Once our AI builds an intuitive understanding of a product, it can propose new test plans and test cases from scratch.

Our vision is a world where teams don't have to choose between shipping quickly and shipping safely. Join us to accelerate engineers everywhere!

Team Size:2
Jeff An
Jeff An
Wei-Wei Wu
Wei-Wei Wu