

Equity management platform for startups and investors.

Founded in 2019 by ex-VCs, Quotabook is a fintech startup building equity management solutions for startups, employees and investors. With Quotabook, founders can streamline equity data and company ownership by managing cap tables as well as running analyses and simulations. Employees are better motivated through stock option features that are aligned with the growth of the company. Investors can track performance of their portfolios with data automatically synced into the platform. Quotabook takes care of all the fuss so that founders, employees and investors can focus on building a business together. We are proud to be a startup helping fellow startups boost growth. Find out more about how we simplify equity management for startups around the globe from https://www.quotabook.com/en/

Team Size:50
Location:South Korea

Active Founders

Andy Choi

Andy is the CEO and co-founder of QuotaBook. Previously, he was a software engineer in Silicon Valley and a VC in Korea.

Andy Choi
Andy Choi