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Startup Investor School Day 1 Videos

by Y Combinator3/6/2018

Here’s what happened on Day 1 of Startup Investor School.

Startup Investor School Live Stream

by Y Combinator3/5/2018

This week we’ll be live streaming Startup Investor School. Tune in here or at

Instructors for Startup Investor School

by Y Combinator2/16/2018

We recently announced our new, free course for seed investors called Startup Investor School. The course will kick off in Mountain View on Monday, March 5 and run through Thursday, March 8. The four-day class will have two lectures per day from 10am until 12pm and will be live-streamed for online viewing.

Startup Investor School Preview with Geoff Ralston

by Y Combinator2/7/2018

This episode covers Startup Investor School. Startup Investor School is a free, 4-day course designed to educate early stage investors interested in investing in startups. You can sign up at

Startup Investor School: The Basics of Seed Investing

by Geoff Ralston2/1/2018

Last year, for the first time, we taught a MOOC (massively open online course) for startup founders called Startup School. This year, we’re adding a new course called Startup Investor School which will teach the basics of seed (early) stage startup investing to anyone interested.