Stop innovating on the wrong things
by Dalton Caldwell2/15/2024
In this episode of Dalton & Michael we’ll discuss the downsides of trying to “innovate” on certain things and why that can make it LESS likely a company succeeds.
Bootstrap or VC?
by Dalton Caldwell2/5/2024
In this episode of Dalton & Michael, we’ll explain why the "Bootstrap or raise Venture Capital?" debate is a much simpler one than many make it out to be.
Backstory: How Tom Blomfield founded two billion-dollar companies
by Garry Tan1/30/2024
There aren’t a ton of people in the world who can say they founded a billion dollar company. There are far fewer that can say they did it twice. YC Group Partner Tom Blomfield is one of those few — this is his backstory.
Why do investors say you need a business co-founder?
by Dalton Caldwell1/11/2024
Every software company needs a technical co-founder. But what kind of co-founder does the technical founder need?
The asymmetric upside of being positive
by Dalton Caldwell12/21/2023
Dalton & Michael on the best ways for founders to think about weighing optimism and pessimism in their day-to-day lives.
Why you really DO need a technical co-founder
by Dalton Caldwell11/30/2023
Based on the thousands of companies YC has funded over the years, companies lacking a technical co-founder underperform. In this episode of Dalton + Michael, we’ll discuss exactly why that is.
Dalton and Michael's tips for technical founders
by Dalton Caldwell11/1/2023
The stories are true: technical founders (and early technical employees!) often end up with the short end of the stick when starting a company. In this episode of Dalton & Michael, we'll discuss how to keep that from happening to you.