HomeCompaniesAlgoSurg Inc

AlgoSurg Inc

We make AI technology for Robotic and AR Surgeries

AlgoSurg makes AI software solutions, for various next-generation surgical applications ranging from Robotics-surgeries, AR-based-navigation/training, cloud-based 3D surgery planning and automatic patient-specific instrument/implant design.
AlgoSurg Inc
Team Size:8
Active Founders

Amit Maurya, Founder

I am an innovator, entrepreneur and technology enthusiast. Y-combinator backed startup company founder with more than 10 years of experience in medical software development, AI/ML based medical image processing, surgical simulations (AR/VR), robotics, medical software, FDA, etc. (https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=EtBY6MQAAAAJ)
Amit Maurya
Amit Maurya
AlgoSurg Inc

Vikas Karade, Founder

Vikas Karade
Vikas Karade
AlgoSurg Inc
YC W18 Application Video
YC W18 Demo Day Video