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Jobs at Ashby

US / CA / MX / CO / BR / AR / Remote (US; CA; MX; CO; BR; AR)
$200K - $250K
6+ years
DK / BE / FR / NL / GB / ES / FI / CH / PT / RO / IT / SE / Remote (DK; BE; FR; NL; GB; ES; FI; CH; PT; RO; IT; SE)
€95K - €185K EUR
3+ years
US / CA / MX / BR / Remote (US; CA; MX; BR)
$160K - $250K
3+ years
US / CA / MX / CO / BR / AR / Remote (US; CA; MX; CO; BR; AR)
$160K - $250K
3+ years
DE / BE / FR / NL / GB / ES / IT / FI / SE / CH / PT / NO / PL / Remote (DE; BE; FR; NL; GB; ES; IT; FI; SE; CH; PT; NO; PL)
£91K - £200K GBP
3+ years

Why you should join Ashby

Hi 👋 I'm Benji, the Co-Founder and CEO of Ashby. At Ashby, we're improving the productivity of working professionals with intelligent and powerful software. We put a lot of effort into designing products that are approachable to beginners but mastered and extended by power users. In many ways, spreadsheets set the bar here. Our first products provide talent teams with clever automation, powerful analytics tools, and customizable workflows packaged in great UX with a touch of AI.

Our culture is motivated by Abhik's and my belief that a small, talented team, given the right environment, can build a great product and service fast (and work regular hours!). We hire exceptional, kind, thoughtful people and provide an environment where we can be happy, feel challenged, and do our best work. In particular, we're a very low-meeting culture, especially for our size and scale.

We have notable customers like Notion, Linear, Shopify, and Snowflake. Our growth and retention metrics are best-in-class among our peers: we have tens of millions in ARR, growing >100% year over year, very low churn, and many years of runway. We’ll share more details once we meet.

Team Size:110
Location:San Francisco
Benjamin Encz
Benjamin Encz
Abhik Pramanik
Abhik Pramanik
Co-Founder & VP of Engineering