

Audio learning assistant for teachers and students.

AskMyClass, is a learning assistant that helps teachers save time and enhance learning, using smart speakers like Alexa, and help students get back-on-task quickly and build life skills through classroom management, social-emotional learning, and lesson support.
Team Size:2
Location:Menlo Park, CA
Active Founders

Aparna Ramanathan, Founder

Aparna worked for 11 years as a medical doctor in Australian hospitals. Moving to the U.S. in 2011, she provided accessible mental health support and stress management coaching to professional women. In 2016, using screen-free, low-cost voice technology, she began supporting children to build social and mental resilience skills. A year later, Aparna built an interactive mental health game on Alexa for the home and launched AskMyClass, to provide behavioral support for the PK-6 classroom.
Aparna Ramanathan
Aparna Ramanathan

Deeps Ramanathan, Founder

Engineer, Product and Marketing expert. Passionate about building product and marketing strategies that creates value for consumers and businesses, across digital, media, advertising, technology, and education. 8.5 years at Google. 8 years at IBM. 2 years at Twitter. 3 years building a YCombinator-backed AI and Voice startup called AskMyClass. 4 years of part-time consulting as an advisor.
Deeps Ramanathan
Deeps Ramanathan