
Same-Day Auto Repair for Commercial Fleets.

Jobs at Carma

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Why you should join Carma

Same-Day Auto Repair for Commercial Fleets.

We’re Carma, a Y Combinator-backed, first-of-its-kind marketplace platform for commercial fleets to get correct car repair, fast and fair. Our mission is to solve the massive $573B problem with commercial auto repair – difficulty for commercial fleets to efficiently shop for automotive service and difficulty for auto repair shops to attract customers.

Carma is a B2B managed marketplace for commercial fleet owners to get same-day automotive repair for any vehicle with instant transparent offers and guaranteed pricing. Every year, fleet owners spend $573B on auto repairs globally.

Fleet owners request any service through our mobile app, which we send to our network of highly-vetted partner service centers. Our partner service centers give users real-time offers on their requested services.

Our fleet customers save upwards of 50% when they use Carma vs. the median price for the same service in their zip code, while our partner service centers increase their revenues and obtain new customers.

Backed by Y Combinator - Winter 2024 Batch.

Team Size:11
Location:San Francisco
Muhammad Alasgarli
Muhammad Alasgarli
Brandt Lawson
Brandt Lawson