
Eliminating business bullshit: payroll, benefits, compliance, etc

Jobs at Central

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Why you should join Central

Product Demo

We have a generational opportunity to reinvent how a company is operated. Our customers are working on incredibly ambitious problems like curing brain cancer, making the police force more efficient, preventing medical mistakes in hospitals, improving energy efficiency, and reducing our carbon footprint. Imagine what the world could look like if they all had 30% more time to focus on those problems instead of spending it on back-office bullsh*t — it’s extremely high leverage.

We envision a world where someone can start and operate a compliant businesses with a click of a button. Central handles payroll, benefits, hr, compliance, government filings, mail handling, and much more out-of-the-box so founders can focus on more important problems.

We’re building something special in a massive market. As one of our first 10 employees, you have an opportunity to be a major part of the story. Central is very likely to accelerate your career. Just see what our customers are saying:

The Slack bot never fails to impress.  I’m so happy I never have to touch HR software again.

Awesome and simple to use. Always take inspiration from how clean and straightforward you make using Central

Since we got our first invoice from Central today, just wanted to reach out and say I think this is the best $150 I’ve ever spent :)

Highly recommend. 10x better than our former stack (Gusto, QBO, bill.com)

Team Size:13
Location:San Francisco
Pranav Kashyap
Pranav Kashyap
Nilay Modi
Nilay Modi
Josh Wymer
Josh Wymer