

Communication app for K-8 teachers, kids, and families

ClassDojo's mission is to give every kid an education they love. Our flagship communication app has become the world’s largest network serving kids, reaching over 51 million kids, families and teachers in 180 countries every month, entirely through word of mouth. They use it to share the best moments in a kid's day through pictures, videos, messages, and more. ClassDojo has recognized by Forbes, LinkedIn, Inc and Fast Company, and it is a top 100 Y Combinator company.
Jobs at ClassDojo
San Francisco / Remote
6+ years
San Francisco, CA, US / Remote
$180K - $250K
6+ years
Team Size:100
Location:San Francisco
Group Partner:Harj Taggar
Active Founders

Sam Chaudhary, Founder/CEO

Co-founder and CEO at ClassDojo. Mission is to give every kid on Earth an education they love.
Sam Chaudhary
Sam Chaudhary

Liam Don, Founder/CTO