Clearly AI

Clearly AI

Automate software security and privacy reviews

Clearly AI automates AppSec reviews and privacy assessments to provide a first line of defense, so that security and privacy engineers can focus on the most critical applications for their enterprise. Security and privacy teams are severely understaffed. Teams only review a fraction of features released, putting corporations at risk. At Amazon and Moveworks, we felt this pain during hundreds of security and privacy reviews. With Clearly AI, teams can review all features and applications for best practices and compliance, triage which applications need deep security analysis, and accelerate all necessary reviews. Clearly AI is built by security engineers for security engineers.

Clearly AI
Team Size:2
Location:Seattle, WA
Group Partner:Nicolas Dessaigne

Active Founders

Emily Choi-Greene

Founder/CEO at Clearly AI. Previously, Emily owned data security and privacy at Moveworks. Before that, she spent 5 years at Amazon, where she led Alexa AI Security. Emily performed hundreds of security and privacy reviews, from Moveworks' AI data lifecycle to Alexa's machine learning compute platform (used by 5000+ ML scientists). Emily graduated with High Honors in Computer Science from Dartmouth College.

Emily Choi-Greene
Emily Choi-Greene
Clearly AI

Joe Choi-Greene

Founder/CTO at Clearly AI. Joe spent 9 years at Amazon, where he built satellite constellations, consumer devices, and exabyte-scale datalakes. Joe designed, built, and reviewed software to secure Project Kuiper satellites from nation-state actors and future quantum threats. Every day, millions of Amazon Alexa customers rely on the delete APIs that Joe built to protect user privacy. Joe graduated from the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University.

Joe Choi-Greene
Joe Choi-Greene
Clearly AI

Company Launches

TL;DR: Clearly AI continuously reviews your software for security and privacy risks. We keep your compliance paperwork up to date and escalate issues that need attention so that your engineers can focus on more critical work.

The Problem

  • Burn-out: Many companies struggle to complete in-depth security reviews due to understaffed teams. The industry average is 1 security engineer per 200 software engineers. There is an overwhelming volume of software and policies to monitor and cross-check.
  • Fragmentation: Today, a typical enterprise security review takes 3-4 months to complete. Most of that time is spent gathering information and filling out paperwork. Trust teams operate in silos, leading to redundant questions or delayed risk identification.

Our Solution

  • Triage: Review all designs and code for security best practices and regulatory compliance.
    • Raise the Ceiling: Prioritize which applications need deeper review by security & privacy engineers.
    • Raise the Floor: For the rest, perform baseline security & privacy reviews to ensure compliance.
  • Shift Left: Bring the collective knowledge of legal, privacy, compliance, and security teams directly to developers from the inception of their work.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Real-time, automated checks instead of point-in-time reviews.

Our Ask

Reach out to us if:

  • Your security/privacy teams are understaffed and overwhelmed.
  • Security/privacy is critical to your customers (beyond SOC2 certification).
  • You operate across regions with varying privacy regulations, and you need to evaluate and comply.

Our Offer

Give us your gnarliest security & privacy problems — we’re happy to do a free consultation and lend our expertise back to the YC community.

Our Team

Emily & Joe met five years ago while working on an Alexa security review.

  • Emily: Senior engineer at Amazon and Moveworks, speaker at USENIX PEPR, expert in privacy-preserving machine learning, featured in the New York Times.
  • Joe: Senior engineer at Amazon, designed and secured spacecraft command software that now orbits Earth, automated data compliance with global regulations like GDPR and HIPAA.