Conductor Quantum

Quantum computers on silicon chips using AI.

Jobs at Conductor Quantum

San Francisco, CA, US
$120K - $180K
1.00% - 3.00%
1+ years
San Francisco, CA, US
$120K - $180K
1.00% - 3.00%
Any (new grads ok)

Why you should join Conductor Quantum

We are an American company headquartered in San Francisco, California. We are assembling a highly leveraged team of cracked engineers whose sole focus is to develop software to enable fault-tolerant quantum computation.

If you would like to expand the quantum frontier and solve one of the hardest technological challenges of our time, this is your chance.

Conductor Quantum
Team Size:2
Location:San Francisco
Joel Pendleton
Joel Pendleton
Co-Founder and CTO
Brandon Severin
Brandon Severin