

Corgi is building an AI insurance company

Insurance is super old school. We want to transform the insurance industry with AI. Corgi is streamlining the process of buying insurance, underwriting, getting support, and filing a claim with AI.

Team Size:3
Location:San Francisco
Group Partner:Jared Friedman

Active Founders

Nico Laqua

CEO/CTO of corgi - we do ai insurance. I previously founded Basket, a gaming publisher with 200+ million MAU.

Nico Laqua
Nico Laqua

Ryan McGregor

Corgi President

Ryan McGregor
Ryan McGregor

Emily Yuan

Emily is Co-Founder and COO at Corgi 🐕 She dropped out of Stanford as a CS undergrad to co-found Basket Entertainment, a gaming company with over 150 games and 200 million monthly players (including around 1 in 3 American teens).

Emily Yuan
Emily Yuan

Company Launches

Hey everyone! We’re Corgi, and we’re building the first AI insurance company. We’ve all had painful experiences getting the right insurance for our previous companies and were shocked to learn that there is no easy way to get the coverage you need.

Business insurance sucks. It hasn’t changed much since it was first invented in 1750 BC, aside from the fact that there is more and more paperwork and more and more legalese that no one understands. Your options are to either get generic, 50-100 page policies that don’t cover anything you really need or spend hours digging up paperwork and financial statements and answering seemingly irrelevant questions.

Large companies get customized policies that cover all their actual risks, but smaller companies all end up with generic policies because it’s too expensive for insurance companies to make custom policies for small/mid-sized businesses and startups. Because of this, a fintech startup will get more or less the same general liability policy as a roofing company.

But with AI, the price of intelligence has gone down to nearly 0. This means that we can help customers seamlessly buy and manage policies customized for them - something that was impossible until a year ago.

Our mission is to leverage AI to transform every aspect of insurance, from operations to pricing, making it more efficient, personalized, and user-friendly. To do this, we will become the insurance carrier, verticalizing all aspects of the business.

Insurance is inherently a words-based industry, and AI has become remarkably proficient in processing and understanding language. This capability allows Corgi to streamline every step of the insurance process.

Buying a Policy

Traditionally, obtaining a policy involves either answering a few generic questions resulting in irrelevant coverage or wading through a complex, time-consuming questionnaire requiring obscure documents. Corgi simplifies this by enabling users to connect their accounts, upload contracts and relevant documents, and autofill applications using both submitted information and online content

Understanding a Policy

Insurance policies are notoriously long and difficult to comprehend. With Corgi, users can interact with their policy, ask any questions, and receive clear, concise answers.

Instant Support

Gone are the days of waiting for support or struggling to reach your insurance agent. Corgi understands your company and policy, providing instant assistance with document retrieval, claims filing, and more.


Pricing Every Risk

In-depth risk assessments are expensive because human intelligence is expensive. This led to generic insurance policies that cover a blanket set of risks across all businesses. Because insurance uses words to describe risks, insurance risk was also hard to price with tech. With LLMs, we can leverage 4,000 years of insurance data to create the ultimate insurance pricing engine.

The first ever insurance policy was in Hammurabi’s code in 1750 BC to insure ships against pirate attacks. Corgi’s insurance model will be named Hammurabi — Hammurabi invented insurance, and now, Hammurabi will reinvent how insurance is done.

Meet the Team

Nico co-founded Basket, a gaming publisher with over 200 million monthly players (somewhere between a third and half of US and European teens play at least one Basket game/month) across ~100 titles. Prior to Basket, Nico was an AI researcher from 2018-2020, before LLMs were all the rage. Emily dropped out of Stanford as a CS major and co-founded Basket. Ryan was Basket’s first angel investor and is an expert on insurance regulation, in addition to being a master community builder.

We have three co-founders, including two successful repeat founders who have built products for hundreds of millions of users, as well as industry insiders, to radically transform the biggest TAM words-based industry in a time when computers have gotten good at words.