TL;DR: DryMerge lets you automate workflows with plain English. Some interesting examples…
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We want to help knowledge workers take back the 5 weeks a year they spend switching between tools and handling repetitive tasks. We do this by letting you make automations in a chat, with plain simple language. Here’s how it works.
There are many automation platforms out there, but we’re the first to take “plain English” seriously. Sam and I (Edward) hate struggling with deceptively complicated no-code builders and fidgeting with flaky scripts. We want to build a product that makes powerful software extremely easy to use for people who find working with today's automation tools challenging.
We think the best way to do that is by letting people use their software with plain language.
We’ve known each other since 4th grade and worked at places like Stripe, Hive, Facebook, and AWS. We’re so excited to launch this product and help you automate!
If you’d like to try us out, please do here! We’re also available at or to meet here.