

Retool for 20 Million Field Teams

Fieldproxy is Retool for Field Teams. Our no-code SaaS application allows organizations to build internal mobile applications to manage field teams of any size. Fieldproxy's vision is to be the Operating System for Field teams.
Team Size:15
Location:Chennai, India
Active Founders

Swaroop Vijayakumar, Founder

2x enterpreneur, love solving problems for customers, IIM Kozhikode
Swaroop Vijayakumar
Swaroop Vijayakumar

Balakrishna Balasubramanian, Founder

Worked across a variety of roles in software development, as expected of a tech co-founder. Love working on new products and ideas. If it changes the world, great. If it doesn't, at least I'd have some fun.
Balakrishna Balasubramanian
Balakrishna Balasubramanian
Company Launches
πŸš€ Fieldproxy β€” Retool for field teams
See original launch post β€Ί

πŸ‘‹ Hi All!

This is Swaroop and Bala and we are extremely stoked to launch Fieldproxy to the world

πŸ’‘ Problem

We ran a product development agency prior to this where we had built around 60 internal apps across 20 companies to manage their on-ground teams. These companies were across legacy industries like consumer goods, mining, telecom, pharma and energy.

Organisations across these industries have been using archaic decades-old ERP systems to manage their on-ground field teams. These systems are extremely rigid and inflexible. There are very limited options for such companies to choose.

80% of the mobile workforce is deskless, but the majority of the productivity and internal SaaS tools are being built for 20% of desk workers. Hence the need for these companies to build reach out to development agencies to build bespoke internal applications or hire an in-house internal tech team - both of which are bound to lead to disastrous results, given technology is not the forte’ of such industries

πŸ’› What We Do

We help businesses with field teams build internal mobile applications within 10 minutes to streamline their on-field operations.

Think giving the power of building tools similar to what Uber or Doordash may use to manage their on-ground workforce to some of these traditional industries!

You can check out our detailed product overview page here

πŸ’ͺProduct Demos/Walkthrough of Use Cases

  1. Quick Product Overview - click here
  2. If you are in the Logistics space and want a take a look at the detailed location intelligence possible on the platform - click here
  3. If you run a Field servicing or field operations, click here to see a short video on how to
  4. If you manage a Field Sales team, click here to see a short video on how to build a simple app with CRM-like functionality for your on-ground sales team

πŸ’β€β™‚οΈ Asks

  • No-Code experts/Founders of No-Code companies - If you are in the no-code space, would love to connect. We are still figuring out our GTM - and would love to have a quick 20-minute chat with people who have been there and done that. We will ensure we keep the questions very concise and specific!
  • Industry Experts - We are scaling up our template library in the consumer goods and field service verticals. If you are targeting similar industries or know someone in these industries who is up for a 40-hour paid consulting gig, please do let us know!
  • Users - Finally, if you do manage an on ground team, please do let me know! Would love to get on a call and help setup the workflows and applications that can help you get visibility and streamline your field operations

If there are any queries, feel free to drop a mail at swaroop@fieldproxy.com