

Using ML to supercharge organic growth for Financial Advisors

Growth is the number one priority for all Financial Advisors. However, the organic growth process is highly inefficient and full of noise. Advisors often waste hours building prospect lists by aggregating information across horizontal solutions like Linkedin, ZoomInfo, Pitchbook, qualifying these leads, setting up meetings, and spending time on unqualified prospects. Advisors spend an average of 58 hours on business development for every 1 new client converted, and have <1% conversion rates. Due to the time-intensive nature of organic growth, advisors often turn to inorganic avenues for growing, via M&A, despite those being far less capital efficient. At FINNY, we are certain we can do better with AI. With our tool, advisors can: - Identify prospects within their target niche, aggregating thousands of data points per lead - Prioritize prospects based on their predicted likelihood of converting, a score unique to each advisor and prospect pair - Automate the outreach and meeting scheduling with their high priority prospects In short, FINNY is the one-stop shop for advisors when growing their book of business, starting by solving prospecting. FINNY launched paid pilots in May to select RIAs, and our waitlist grew to 30 firms in under one month.

Jobs at FINNY AI

Team Size:4
Location:New York
Group Partner:Michael Seibel

Active Founders

Theodore Janson

Theo is the co-founder and CTO at FINNY. Theo holds a Master's degree in Artificial Intelligence from Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, and a bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering and Math from McGill University. During his studies, Theo held research roles in high-energy physics and explainable Machine Learning. Prior to starting FINNY, he led a team of machine learning engineers developing tools for financial institutions at an early Fintech startup.

Theodore Janson
Theodore Janson

Eden Ovadia

Eden is the Co-founder and CEO of FINNY. Eden, like all her co-founders, is a software engineer. She studied at McGill University with a focus on Machine Learning. Prior to starting FINNY, Eden was at BCG where she worked across the Financial Institutions, Private Equity and Tech practices. Eden left BCG to start FINNY AI, combining her love for tech with the goal of modernizing wealth management to the address diverse and evolving distribution of wealth.

Eden Ovadia
Eden Ovadia

Victoria Toli

Victoria is the co-founder and CPO of FINNY, an AI-driven growth engine for financial advisors. Before FINNY, she was a Product Manager at Uber, where she led Membership Growth for Uber's subscription product, Uber One. She graduated from Stanford in 2020, with a BS in Symbolic Systems, Artificial Intelligence. Prior to coming to the US for college, Victoria grew up in Athens, Greece.

Victoria Toli
Victoria Toli

Company Launches

Hey everyone, we are Theo, Eden, and Victoria — the founders of FINNY. We help independent financial advisors find and convert new clients, using AI.

If you’re confused as to why the three of us are so excited about building for financial advisors, keep reading.

🧑‍🔬 The Team

🏦The Sales Whisperer

Eden was most recently at BCG NYC, where she primarily worked in the Tech, Financial Institutions & Private Equity practices. She holds a BEng in Software Engineering from McGill (ML focus).

👾The Model Man

Theo worked as a ML engineer at an early Fintech startup and AI researcher in Explainable ML. He holds a BEng in EE and Math from McGill and MS in AI from Ecole Polytechnique, Paris.

👩🏼‍🎨The Visionary

Victoria came from Uber, where she led membership growth for Uber One as a Product Manager. She holds a BS from Stanford in Symbolic Systems (AI focus).

🫶🏻 Why are we obsessed with Financial Advisors?

  • The Great Wealth Transfer - $80T of wealth will be transferred from the Boomer/Silent Gen to the next generation over the next 20 years.
  • Retiring advisors - 45,000 financial advisors are over the age of 65 in the US, managing $3T in wealth that will change management when they retire.
  • Wealth creation - Wealth is being created in unprecedented ways (E.g., Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Social media, Racial wealth gain), but the institution serving the wealth has not changed
  • Consolidation - Private equity driving consolidation of a historically long tail of independent advisors
  • Price Inertia: Financial Advisors are used to paying 25 bps annually IN PERPETUITY for referrals. That’s $200B annually from the wealth transfer alone.

💀 The Problem FINNY is Solving

Financial advisors manage >$100T in assets globally. Yet, bringing on new clients is highly inefficient. Their best bet is to repurpose horizontal solutions - like Linkedin, ZoomInfo, and Pitchbook - to create long and noisy prospect lists. However, without a proper way to qualify these leads or even reach their particular niche at scale, advisors end up spending an average of 58 hours going after the wrong, often unqualified prospects before converting one new client.

💡 The Solution

FINNY is reimagining organic growth for financial advisors with AI. Our first product, a multi-channel Sales agent, allows users to sit back and relax while it goes “out in the wild” (aka our massive database of high-net-worth individuals) and prospects for them. It’s like your intern, except it’s always on, running in the background.

FINNY’s goal is for advisors to wake up in the morning to meetings with prospects on their calendars, entirely booked by FINNY. Our value proposition is three-fold:

  1. Prospect identification:

    • We identify prospects within their target niche, aggregating thousands of data points per lead and constantly monitoring for life triggers

  2. Prospect prioritization:

    • We prioritize prospects based on their predicted likelihood of converting, a score unique to each advisor and prospect pair
  3. Prospect outreach & engagement:

    • We automate the outreach and meeting scheduling with the high-priority prospects, intelligently selecting the optimal channel for the specific prospect

Progress so far

In just 3 months, we have:

  • Released the 1st and 2nd iteration of the product to 15 advisory firms.
  • Grown revenue by >11x MoM.
  • Got 70 firms to join our waitlist, without any acquisition efforts or outbound.
  • Won Morningstar’s Fintech Showcase last month.
  • Have been getting some buzz! Here and here.

❓One Ask for You (If you made it this far)

If you ever thought about working with a financial advisor, evaluated one, currently work with one (or want to get matched with one 😉), we’d love to talk to you. Book 15 min with us here. If you’re in SF, we’ll buy you a coffee. If not, let’s call it an IOU.