

Our mobile app reduces chronic pain for 100 million Americans.

Flowly’s mobile app is the VR version of Calm with a focus on reducing chronic pain for 100 million Americans. Flowly subscribers receive a $5 VR headset and Heart Rate sensor that collects a user's biometric data like HR and HRV, and converts it to visualizations in virtual experiences that reduce pain by 46%. Flowly is backed by the National Institutes of Health.
Team Size:3
Location:Los Angeles, CA
Active Founders

Celine Tien, Founder

Founder and CEO of Flowly. Principal Investigator on two phased clinical trials at UPMC and USC, backed by the NIH. Director and writer of Pippa’s Pan 盼, one of the world’s first immersive Virtual Reality hybrid live-action films (selected for 2017 Festival de Cannes VR, placed top three at VR/AR challenges at CES). Previously, in feature development at DreamWorks Animation. Grew up as a film/TV actor. Also the founder of the non-profit education-based organization: Zoom for Kids!
Celine Tien
Celine Tien

Narae Kim, Founder

Narae is a Co-Founder and CCO of Flowly, a clinically proven platform for managing pain and its comorbidities: anxiety, depression, and disordered sleep. In addition to her role at Flowly, Narae is a multi-award-winning art and creative director across VR, film, theater, and entertainment. Her drive to blend art, technology, and mental well-being is evident in her original works, showcased at esteemed events like the Cannes Film Festival, Cork International Film Festival, CES, Siggraph and more.
Narae Kim
Narae Kim

Julien Soros, Founder

Julien is Cofounder & CTO at Flowly. He has a background in Electrical Engineering from Yale University where he focused on Systems & Controls as well as Digital Signal Processing. Previously, Julien worked at Hyperloop One on their Transponics team doing control algorithm design and monte carlo system stability analysis. Julien's interest in Engineering began with guitar building, honing his skills at Veillette Guitars.
Julien Soros
Julien Soros