
A concierge service for seniors’ rides, meals, meds, home and more.

Jobs at GoGoGrandparent

Why you should join GoGoGrandparent

We built GoGo for our own grandparents and were amazed to see it grow to touch the lives of hundreds of thousands of seniors across the United States and Canada. What shocked us then and it still does now, is that between 30 - 40% of our new signups have smartphones. We didn’t understand why. When we called and asked a few, they told us that Uber and Lyft had 'stopped working' for them.

After puzzling over that for months, we realized what the problem was.

Managing transportation - on Lyft, Uber, cab companies, etc is not easy. It’s a ‘self-serve’ experience. The ride requester has to be aware of things like the driver cancelling, getting lost, the driver arriving, the driver not-quite-being-lost-just-down-the-street-a-couple-houses.

Then add the complexities of smartphones: the user has to be on top of updating their own credit card - making sure the pickup pin is in the correct spot - typing in both where they are and where they’re going. All in all, there are about a dozen online and offline "micro steps" ride requesters have to take to get a ride. And god help anyone who needs to remember their Apple iCloud password to update an app.

We didn't know this when we started, but it turns out that ordering and managing a ride gets more difficult the older you get, almost in the same way that driving a car gets more difficult the older you get.

What gets us excited now (and what we’re hiring for) is that technically this ‘self-management problem’ doesn’t just stop at rides. There are lots of things that get harder to do as you age. People have known this for a long time and that’s inspired a lot of the solutions that older adults currently have.

Based a lot on the experiences we’ve had so far, we believe that by becoming the ‘management layer’ for the things that older adults struggle with as they age we have a better chance to offer older citizens independence without having to ask them to move out of their homes.

Within the next ten years the number of people over the age of 65 will be larger than the number of people under 18 for the first time in history. 11,000,000 people over the age of 75 will stop driving due to age related cognitive or physical decline. When they stop driving, they’ll be forced to rely on friends and family, live in a community, or have caregivers. GoGo is working to make sure that losing your youth doesn’t mean losing your independence.

Joining us at this time is a really exciting opportunity for folks looking to make meaningful impact on people’s lives. We’re a small team that’s built a profitable and fast-growing business over the last three years. Now we’re looking for partners to join us as we make GoGo a household name.

Anyone joining GoGo at this phase of the company will have a huge and life changing level of impact on a size-able and growing user base. We want people to have rich and meaningful lives at any age. We’re bringing people freedom and hope, one life at a time.

Team Size:250
Location:San Francisco
Justin Boogaard
Justin Boogaard
David Lung
David Lung