

Turn your docs into a "ChatGPT"-like AI search and support copilot

Inkeep helps turn your docs, help center, and other content into an AI search and support copilot for your product. Teams like Pinecone, Anthropic, and Postman use Inkeep to improve self-help experiences and reduce support volume.

Team Size:7
Location:New York
Group Partner:Michael Seibel

Active Founders

Nick Gomez

Nick is cofounder and CEO of Inkeep. He previously led devex for a team at Microsoft, focusing on self-serve developer experiences for adding authentication to apps. He studied Business & CS at MIT. Beyond Inkeep, Nick enjoys photography and hiking.

Nick Gomez
Nick Gomez

Robert Tran

Robert Tran is a cofounder of inkeep. He studied CS & Math at MIT and has an extensive background in tech, including working with government, political organizations, financial firms, and logistics companies. Previously, Robert was an early employee then Head of Engineering at illumis — building software to aggregate thousands of public data sources that are locked in silos. illumis was acquired by ComplySci. Outside of inkeep, Robert is passionate about film & writing.

Robert Tran
Robert Tran

Company Launches

tl;dr: Inkeep provides conversational search for developer-focused companies. We use LLMs to understand a company’s docs, GitHub issues, Stack Overflow questions, and more to answer developer questions and increase customer activation.

Our Team:

Hi YC, we’re Robert Tran and Nick Gomez from Inkeep!

We met eight years ago at MIT as undergrads. After MIT, Nick was a Senior Product Manager working on developer experiences for Microsoft’s identity products. Robert was Head of Engineering at illlumis (acquired), building large-scale data aggregation pipelines for public datasets.

With years of experience building developer-focused products, we are excited to build Inkeep.

Problem: Any blocker or unanswered question is a drop-off point

Developers evaluate a product by how easy it is to get started and use it for their use case. Optimizing this experience is the #1 goal for many developer-focused companies, but it’s hard to do well because:

  • Knowledge about the product is scattered across docs, GitHub issues, Stack Overflow, forums, private communities, and more.
  • Answering technical issues and questions at scale is hard.
  • Developers often prefer to self-troubleshoot.

Solution: Conversational search powered by all your existing content

Inkeep automatically indexes all of a developer tool company’s content with zero effort required. We use fine-tuned LLMs that fully understand your product to power search and chat experiences tailored for developers.

Inkeep is embeddable as a:

  • Search bar for your docs
  • Chat widget for your app or landing page
  • Slack or Discord bot for your community

Your developers can search or ask anything and get answers immediately. And you’ll be able to get insights on what they're getting stuck on.

Our asks:

  • Interested in adding Inkeep to your developer product? We’d love to show you a demo.
  • Connect us with folks who are obsessed with developer experience & activation.

Get in touch at: founders@inkeep.com
Learn more at: Inkeep.com

Company Photo

Company Photo