HomeCompaniesLamar Health

Lamar Health

Scaling Intelligence for Healthcare Automations

$1 T is spent today on back office tasks such as patient triaging, intake, eligibility checks, prior auths and claims. Specialized knowledge is required to complete these tasks making them prone to errors and bottlenecked by staffing. Lamar Health takes the burden off of providers and intelligently automates these tasks. Starting with specialty medications.
Lamar Health
Team Size:6
Location:San Francisco
Group Partner:Jared Friedman
Active Founders

Eesha Sharma, Founder

Eesha is CEO of Lamar Health, helping intelligently automate healthcare workflows. Eesha is a Ph.D. in Genetics and has consulted for the government and biotech companies on precision medicine and AI. Her research work included working on the AI model used to optimize the COVID Pfizer vaccine and a state of the art model for DNA energy hybridization. At Lamar Health, Eesha and the team are applying data science and AI to scale staff expertise for. specialty medication workflows.
Eesha Sharma
Eesha Sharma
Lamar Health