
HD maps for self-driving cars.

Jobs at lvl5

No jobs at lvl5 are currently posted on the YC platform.

Why you should join lvl5

lvl5 builds HD maps for self-driving cars using computer vision. Our iPhone app, Payver, ( has thousands of drivers, sending us terabytes of driving data each day.

We receive video and other telemetry measurements from our fleet, and run advanced computer vision algorithms on the data to map the roads with high precision -- down to just a few centimeters. Unlike traditional maps, HD maps contain all the nitty-gritty details of the road, such as where the car should look for traffic lights, and how to turn through a complex intersection.

We work directly with automakers, and also with Tier 1 manufacturers to provide intelligent driver assist products as well as full localization capabilities for a "Level 5" self-driving vehicle.

Team Size:6